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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bridal Veil Falls

Sunday we decided to take a picnic to Bridal Veil! When we got there it was still kinda cold and shady everywhere, so we decided to hike up the falls!! Let me tell you... it was quite the hike. I have done it a few times, but it has been withOUT kids! Landon carried Dax, and the rest of us were on our own!

There were a few really scary moments! There are a couple spots where there have been rock slides and the rocks are like razor sharp! So Landon is in front of me with Dax, and Tim is trying to go around him and he slips... almost going down to the bottom and Landon is trying to grap him with Dax in his arms, thank goodness Landon caught him just in time. Tim only got a few scrapes up his leg! For a couple of min. I thought I was going to lose all 3 of my boys!! Eventually we made it up to the top and had fun looking around.

At the bottom there is a little pool of water that we have played in before, but this time the water was very frigid! Tim would not get in it! But Laynee and Landon went across and got some really cute pictures!

I don't think I have ever seen Landon so nervous! Tim was climbing all around and the rocks were wet and slippery! Luckily we didn't have any other accidents! We made it home safe and sound!

After the hike we sat down for a fun little picnic. Dax was so funny! He wanted everyone's food. He was trying to get Laynee's watermelon here! We had a great time, the park there is the perfect place to hang out and relax!

I don't know if I have ever really noticed how beautiful the falls are!

I forgot to mention how we went down on Sunday, we skipped out on Stake Confrence! We didn't want to try 2 hours with our kiddo's! We had to stop and get some ice at the 1-stop and Tim says Dad what is today? He told him it was Sunday and he says, "MOM DON'T DO IT!!!" He knew I wasn't supposed to be shopping on Sunday!! He is so aware of everything!! He wanted me to say a prayer when we were having our picnic and repent!! I am glad I have him to keep me on my toes!!


Jenny said...

You just have to love those sweet spirits. I have had to get gas on Sunday and almost wanted to lie about what day it was just to not have to tell my kids. I have never been to Bridal Veil falls, I guess I need to do that hike since we live so close!

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

Wow it looks really pretty there! Next time you should just drive a little farther and come visit us:)

Jenn said...

Wow I don't think I would dare do that with kids. You two are brave-- and obviously talented to make it up without loosing anyone. :) Sounds way fun though.

Yergensen Family said...

It looks beautiful. I have never done that hike...lived here my whole life and never done it... Glad you were all safe. You have an adorable family.

Erin said...

I never realized how beautiful Bridal Veil Falls were until I moved away to Colorado. I love when we come "home" and drive through Provo Canyon and see those beautiful falls. They really are so amazing! And I think I would have freaked out with my kids hiking up. I'm glad everyone made it safely! Aren't kids so pure and innocent, I love how they are so eager to Choose the Right and hold us accountable. It's a good thing they do because it holds us accountable! You have a beautiful little family.