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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tag From Talia!

1. Where did you meet? I met Landon when I was in the second grade! I totally remember the day I saw him walk in the school. My friends and I would follow him and his friends around the school singing, "The Bonner Bunch, The Bonner Bunch!!" I had a crush on him the whole year untill he got mad at me for calling him all the time and bugging him. He told me to go for his little brother, Brad, so I did for quite a while!

2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? I thought wow he is hot, I want him for my lover!

3. Do you remember what he was wearing? Yes; shorts, a collared shirt and a sweater tied around his neck! Very Preppy!

4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? We kissed on our 2nd date. We went to Phantom of the Opera, he kept saying he couldn't keep his hands off me! He totally wanted me! So on the way home we pulled off the road and talked for a long time and then I totally put the move on him! Which was not my character at all! But it was good!

5. How did he as you out? I saw Landon at the airport when Van Kelly was leaving on his mission and Landon told me he was trying to get back with his old girlfriend and was taking her to Phantom. (which I wanted to see really bad) So one day he came into the 1-stop and I asked him how it was, and he said he hadn't gone yet. So I told him he could take me if he wanted to! He said, "I will if no one else can go!" SO I was all mad, but he had already asked 2 other girls! But then I was all mad and he must have felt bad... But I played hard to get and that made him try really hard! So at my graduation my family took me out to eat at Yodels and he was our waiter, and after we finished eating he came over and asked me out!

6. Where did you go for your first date? We went to Tepenaykies (I know I spelled that wrong). Where our Chef kept spilling stuff and got every thing wrong. Then we went to Jonny B's. It was an Elvis inpersonater. He was awfull. Everyone was getting up and walking out! Everything kind of sucked except... being with Landon!

7. How long did you know this person before you became a couple? Well the second time around after we started dating it was right after that first date!

8. Has this person ever proposed to you? Yes, I was supposed to heading back to Cedar, where I was going to SUU. Landon told me we had to go for a ride before I left, so we went for a ride up Snake Creek. It was the perfect day the trees were all covered in snow. We hike up the hill in snow up to our waists. Then he asked me to marry him... then when we got back to the car he sang me the song, From Here to Eternity! It was very sweet, and the day before Valentines!

9. Do you and this person have kids together? Yes, 3- Tim=5, Laynee=3, Dax=6 months.

10. Have you ever broken the law together? Not that I can think of!

11. When was the first time you realized you liked this person? When I was 7 or 8!!

12. Do you get along with this person ex's? Yes most of them were really good friends!

13. What's the most expensive thing this person has given you? KIDS, they are SO expensive!!!

14. What is the one thing this person does that gets on your nerves? Leaves without saying GOODBYE!

15. What is the one thing you do that gets on his nerves? Not do what I say I am going to do, Like be home at a certain time!

16. Where do you see each other in 15 years from now? Our youngest will be 15 and we will be traveling the world! I will be 43 and Landon will be 46! WoW that is crazy!!


Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

That's funny about kids being the most expensive thing! I never thought of it that way but I know we've already spent more money on Ches than we ever spend on ourselves!

Amber Lynn said...

oh how cute!! i definitly love the prepy outfit thing1 i can totaly picture it!! thats so cute he sang to you.. if josh started singing to me, i think i would have busted up laughing and peeed my pants!

Keysha said...

I loved that post! Remember in Lake Powell when you were talking about him? I can't remember if you had already been on the date or were going to Phantom with him soon. (I think you had already gone). You seemed smitten...and look where that ended up! (How crazy!) You knew what you wanted at the age of 8...and you got it baby!

Jenn said...

WoW since you were in Elementary! That is too great. I would have never guess you guys like Phantom. Johnny B's, loved that place when I was living in Provo.

Nelson said...

Fun to hear about the details. I am always up for hearing about how people fall in love. Mitch always tells me that I am in love with love.
Our Wasatch Back team is a bunch of people from out of town and kinda random. A roommate I had from SUU my freshman year that I cheered with, and then the one you would know is Susan Jensen.
Are you running it?

Shelley Eggett said...

That was fun to read about. It's so fun to see two Heberites gets married :)

LiNdS said...

I am Jd's wife, Lindsey. A while ago Landon sent a message to my blog, but I didn't see it until just barely! I just called down to JD (who is workin in the backyard) and he was way excited. It is so fun to see your blog! And yes Landon, I have heard all about you. (great things of course)I don't doubt the mile high thing either. :) This is such a fun way to keep in touch. You have a darling family!

Knight Bliss said...

Thanks for your concern. His older brother passed at five days of life. She always talked about how much she missed him. I am just curious but how did you hear?

Jenn said...

Mandy, You'll have to watch Wendy's blog-- after I get her her Pay if Forward gift. Then you can get a gift from her and do it that way so you get something!
I'm all for the Maverik trip!